# vim: syntax=pod If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you see. It is written in the POD format (see pod/perlpod.pod) which is specifically designed to be readable as is. =head1 NAME perlriscos - Perl version 5 for RISC OS =head1 DESCRIPTION This document gives instructions for building Perl for RISC OS. It is complicated by the need to cross-compile. There is a binary version of perl available from L which you may wish to use instead of trying to compile it yourself. =head1 BUILD You need an installed and working L cross-compiler and L. First, copy the source and build a native copy of perl for your host system. Then, in the source to be cross-compiled: =over 4 =item 1. $ ./Configure =item 2. Select the RISC OS hint file (F). The default answers for the rest of the questions are usually sufficient. Note that, if you wish to run C non-interactively (see the F document for details), to have it select the correct hint file, you'll need to provide the argument C<-Dhintfile=riscos> on the C command-line. =item 3. $ make miniperl =item 4. This should build C and then fail when it tries to run it. =item 5. Copy the F executable from the native build done earlier to replace the cross-compiled F. =item 6. $ make =item 7. This will use C to complete the rest of the build. =back =head1 AUTHOR Alex Waugh