=over =item delete EXPR X<delete> Given an expression that specifies an element or slice of a hash, L<C<delete>|/delete EXPR> deletes the specified elements from that hash so that L<C<exists>|/exists EXPR> on that element no longer returns true. Setting a hash element to the undefined value does not remove its key, but deleting it does; see L<C<exists>|/exists EXPR>. In list context, usually returns the value or values deleted, or the last such element in scalar context. The return list's length corresponds to that of the argument list: deleting non-existent elements returns the undefined value in their corresponding positions. Since Perl 5.28, a L<keyE<sol>value hash slice|perldata/KeyE<sol>Value Hash Slices> can be passed to C<delete>, and the return value is a list of key/value pairs (two elements for each item deleted from the hash). L<C<delete>|/delete EXPR> may also be used on arrays and array slices, but its behavior is less straightforward. Although L<C<exists>|/exists EXPR> will return false for deleted entries, deleting array elements never changes indices of existing values; use L<C<shift>|/shift ARRAY> or L<C<splice>|/splice ARRAY,OFFSET,LENGTH,LIST> for that. However, if any deleted elements fall at the end of an array, the array's size shrinks to the position of the highest element that still tests true for L<C<exists>|/exists EXPR>, or to 0 if none do. In other words, an array won't have trailing nonexistent elements after a delete. B<WARNING:> Calling L<C<delete>|/delete EXPR> on array values is strongly discouraged. The notion of deleting or checking the existence of Perl array elements is not conceptually coherent, and can lead to surprising behavior. Deleting from L<C<%ENV>|perlvar/%ENV> modifies the environment. Deleting from a hash tied to a DBM file deletes the entry from the DBM file. Deleting from a L<C<tied>|/tied VARIABLE> hash or array may not necessarily return anything; it depends on the implementation of the L<C<tied>|/tied VARIABLE> package's DELETE method, which may do whatever it pleases. The C<delete local EXPR> construct localizes the deletion to the current block at run time. Until the block exits, elements locally deleted temporarily no longer exist. See L<perlsub/"Localized deletion of elements of composite types">. my %hash = (foo => 11, bar => 22, baz => 33); my $scalar = delete $hash{foo}; # $scalar is 11 $scalar = delete @hash{qw(foo bar)}; # $scalar is 22 my @array = delete @hash{qw(foo baz)}; # @array is (undef,33) The following (inefficiently) deletes all the values of %HASH and @ARRAY: foreach my $key (keys %HASH) { delete $HASH{$key}; } foreach my $index (0 .. $#ARRAY) { delete $ARRAY[$index]; } And so do these: delete @HASH{keys %HASH}; delete @ARRAY[0 .. $#ARRAY]; But both are slower than assigning the empty list or undefining %HASH or @ARRAY, which is the customary way to empty out an aggregate: %HASH = (); # completely empty %HASH undef %HASH; # forget %HASH ever existed @ARRAY = (); # completely empty @ARRAY undef @ARRAY; # forget @ARRAY ever existed The EXPR can be arbitrarily complicated provided its final operation is an element or slice of an aggregate: delete $ref->[$x][$y]{$key}; delete $ref->[$x][$y]->@{$key1, $key2, @morekeys}; delete $ref->[$x][$y][$index]; delete $ref->[$x][$y]->@[$index1, $index2, @moreindices]; =back