# vim: syntax=pod If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you see. It is written in the POD format (see pod/perlpod.pod) which is specially designed to be readable as is. =head1 NAME perlhaiku - Perl version 5.10+ on Haiku =head1 DESCRIPTION This file contains instructions how to build Perl for Haiku and lists known problems. =head1 BUILD AND INSTALL The build procedure is completely standard: ./Configure -de make make install Make perl executable and create a symlink for libperl: chmod a+x /boot/common/bin/perl cd /boot/common/lib; ln -s perl5/5.41.5/BePC-haiku/CORE/libperl.so . Replace C<5.41.5> with your respective version of Perl. =head1 KNOWN PROBLEMS The following problems are encountered with Haiku revision 28311: =over 4 =item * Perl cannot be compiled with threading support ATM. =item * The F test fails. More precisely: the subtests using datagram sockets fail. Unix datagram sockets aren't implemented in Haiku yet. =item * A subtest of the F test fails. This is due to Haiku not implementing F support yet. =item * The tests F and F fail. This is due to bugs in Haiku's network stack implementation. =back =head1 CONTACT For Haiku specific problems contact the HaikuPorts developers: L The initial Haiku port was done by Ingo Weinhold . Last update: 2008-10-29