package ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use File::Spec; use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants (); our $VERSION = '3.55'; our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( standard_typemap_locations trim_whitespace C_string valid_proto_string process_typemaps map_type standard_XS_defs analyze_preprocessor_statement set_cond Warn WarnHint current_line_number blurt death check_conditional_preprocessor_statements escape_file_for_line_directive report_typemap_failure ); =head1 NAME ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities - Subroutines used with ExtUtils::ParseXS =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities qw( standard_typemap_locations trim_whitespace C_string valid_proto_string process_typemaps map_type standard_XS_defs analyze_preprocessor_statement set_cond Warn blurt death check_conditional_preprocessor_statements escape_file_for_line_directive report_typemap_failure ); =head1 SUBROUTINES The following functions are not considered to be part of the public interface. They are documented here for the benefit of future maintainers of this module. =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Provide a list of filepaths where F files may be found. The filepaths -- relative paths to files (not just directory paths) -- appear in this list in lowest-to-highest priority. The highest priority is to look in the current directory. 'typemap' The second and third highest priorities are to look in the parent of the current directory and a directory called F underneath the parent directory. '../typemap', '../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', The fourth through ninth highest priorities are to look in the corresponding grandparent, great-grandparent and great-great-grandparent directories. '../../typemap', '../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', '../../../typemap', '../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', '../../../../typemap', '../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', The tenth and subsequent priorities are to look in directories named F which are subdirectories of directories found in C<@INC> -- I a file named F actually exists in such a directory. Example: '/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ExtUtils/typemap', However, these filepaths appear in the list returned by C in reverse order, I, lowest-to-highest. '/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ExtUtils/typemap', '../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', '../../../../typemap', '../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', '../../../typemap', '../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', '../../typemap', '../lib/ExtUtils/typemap', '../typemap', 'typemap' =item * Arguments my @stl = standard_typemap_locations( \@INC ); Reference to C<@INC>. =item * Return Value Array holding list of directories to be searched for F files. =back =cut SCOPE: { my @tm_template; sub standard_typemap_locations { my $include_ref = shift; if (not @tm_template) { @tm_template = qw(typemap); my $updir = File::Spec->updir(); foreach my $dir ( File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 1), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 2), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 3), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 4), ) { unshift @tm_template, File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'typemap'); unshift @tm_template, File::Spec->catfile($dir, lib => ExtUtils => 'typemap'); } } my @tm = @tm_template; foreach my $dir (@{ $include_ref}) { my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, ExtUtils => 'typemap'); unshift @tm, $file if -e $file; } return @tm; } } # end SCOPE =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Perform an in-place trimming of leading and trailing whitespace from the first argument provided to the function. =item * Argument trim_whitespace($arg); =item * Return Value None. Remember: this is an I modification of the argument. =back =cut sub trim_whitespace { $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Escape backslashes (C<\>) in prototype strings. =item * Arguments $ProtoThisXSUB = C_string($_); String needing escaping. =item * Return Value Properly escaped string. =back =cut sub C_string { my($string) = @_; $string =~ s[\\][\\\\]g; $string; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Validate prototype string. =item * Arguments String needing checking. =item * Return Value Upon success, returns the same string passed as argument. Upon failure, returns C<0>. =back =cut sub valid_proto_string { my ($string) = @_; if ( $string =~ /^$ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants::PrototypeRegexp+$/ ) { return $string; } return 0; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Process all typemap files. =item * Arguments my $typemaps_object = process_typemaps( $args{typemap}, $pwd ); List of two elements: C element from C<%args>; current working directory. =item * Return Value Upon success, returns an L object. =back =cut sub process_typemaps { my ($tmap, $pwd) = @_; my @tm = ref $tmap ? @{$tmap} : ($tmap); foreach my $typemap (@tm) { die "Can't find $typemap in $pwd\n" unless -r $typemap; } push @tm, standard_typemap_locations( \@INC ); require ExtUtils::Typemaps; my $typemap = ExtUtils::Typemaps->new; foreach my $typemap_loc (@tm) { next unless -f $typemap_loc; # skip directories, binary files etc. warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap_loc'\n"), next unless -T $typemap_loc; $typemap->merge(file => $typemap_loc, replace => 1); } return $typemap; } =head2 C Returns a mapped version of the C type C<$type>. In particular, it converts C to C, converts the special C into C, and inserts C<$varname> (if present) into any function pointer type. So C<...(*)...> becomes C<...(* foo)...>. =cut sub map_type { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; my ($type, $varname) = @_; # C++ has :: in types too so skip this $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $self->{config_RetainCplusplusHierarchicalTypes}; # map the special return type 'array(type, n)' to 'type *' $type =~ s/^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\).*/$1 */s; if ($varname) { if ($type =~ / \( \s* \* (?= \s* \) ) /xg) { (substr $type, pos $type, 0) = " $varname "; } else { $type .= "\t$varname"; } } return $type; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Writes to the C<.c> output file certain preprocessor directives and function headers needed in all such files. =item * Arguments None. =item * Return Value Returns true. =back =cut sub standard_XS_defs { print <<"EOF"; #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_VAR # define PERL_UNUSED_VAR(var) if (0) var = var #endif #ifndef dVAR # define dVAR dNOOP #endif /* This stuff is not part of the API! You have been warned. */ #ifndef PERL_VERSION_DECIMAL # define PERL_VERSION_DECIMAL(r,v,s) (r*1000000 + v*1000 + s) #endif #ifndef PERL_DECIMAL_VERSION # define PERL_DECIMAL_VERSION \\ PERL_VERSION_DECIMAL(PERL_REVISION,PERL_VERSION,PERL_SUBVERSION) #endif #ifndef PERL_VERSION_GE # define PERL_VERSION_GE(r,v,s) \\ (PERL_DECIMAL_VERSION >= PERL_VERSION_DECIMAL(r,v,s)) #endif #ifndef PERL_VERSION_LE # define PERL_VERSION_LE(r,v,s) \\ (PERL_DECIMAL_VERSION <= PERL_VERSION_DECIMAL(r,v,s)) #endif /* XS_INTERNAL is the explicit static-linkage variant of the default * XS macro. * * XS_EXTERNAL is the same as XS_INTERNAL except it does not include * "STATIC", ie. it exports XSUB symbols. You probably don't want that * for anything but the BOOT XSUB. * * See XSUB.h in core! */ /* TODO: This might be compatible further back than 5.10.0. */ #if PERL_VERSION_GE(5, 10, 0) && PERL_VERSION_LE(5, 15, 1) # undef XS_EXTERNAL # undef XS_INTERNAL # if defined(__CYGWIN__) && defined(USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING) # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) __declspec(dllexport) XSPROTO(name) # define XS_INTERNAL(name) STATIC XSPROTO(name) # endif # if defined(__SYMBIAN32__) # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) EXPORT_C XSPROTO(name) # define XS_INTERNAL(name) EXPORT_C STATIC XSPROTO(name) # endif # ifndef XS_EXTERNAL # if defined(HASATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) && !defined(__cplusplus) # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) void name(pTHX_ CV* cv __attribute__unused__) # define XS_INTERNAL(name) STATIC void name(pTHX_ CV* cv __attribute__unused__) # else # ifdef __cplusplus # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) extern "C" XSPROTO(name) # define XS_INTERNAL(name) static XSPROTO(name) # else # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) XSPROTO(name) # define XS_INTERNAL(name) STATIC XSPROTO(name) # endif # endif # endif #endif /* perl >= 5.10.0 && perl <= 5.15.1 */ /* The XS_EXTERNAL macro is used for functions that must not be static * like the boot XSUB of a module. If perl didn't have an XS_EXTERNAL * macro defined, the best we can do is assume XS is the same. * Dito for XS_INTERNAL. */ #ifndef XS_EXTERNAL # define XS_EXTERNAL(name) XS(name) #endif #ifndef XS_INTERNAL # define XS_INTERNAL(name) XS(name) #endif /* Now, finally, after all this mess, we want an ExtUtils::ParseXS * internal macro that we're free to redefine for varying linkage due * to the EXPORT_XSUB_SYMBOLS XS keyword. This is internal, use * XS_EXTERNAL(name) or XS_INTERNAL(name) in your code if you need to! */ #undef XS_EUPXS #if defined(PERL_EUPXS_ALWAYS_EXPORT) # define XS_EUPXS(name) XS_EXTERNAL(name) #else /* default to internal */ # define XS_EUPXS(name) XS_INTERNAL(name) #endif EOF print <<"EOF"; #ifndef PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_CROAK_XS_USAGE #define PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_CROAK_XS_USAGE assert(cv); assert(params) /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */ STATIC void S_croak_xs_usage(const CV *const cv, const char *const params); STATIC void S_croak_xs_usage(const CV *const cv, const char *const params) { const GV *const gv = CvGV(cv); PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_CROAK_XS_USAGE; if (gv) { const char *const gvname = GvNAME(gv); const HV *const stash = GvSTASH(gv); const char *const hvname = stash ? HvNAME(stash) : NULL; if (hvname) Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: %s::%s(%s)", hvname, gvname, params); else Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: %s(%s)", gvname, params); } else { /* Pants. I don't think that it should be possible to get here. */ Perl_croak_nocontext("Usage: CODE(0x%" UVxf ")(%s)", PTR2UV(cv), params); } } #undef PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_CROAK_XS_USAGE #define croak_xs_usage S_croak_xs_usage #endif /* NOTE: the prototype of newXSproto() is different in versions of perls, * so we define a portable version of newXSproto() */ #ifdef newXS_flags #define newXSproto_portable(name, c_impl, file, proto) newXS_flags(name, c_impl, file, proto, 0) #else #define newXSproto_portable(name, c_impl, file, proto) (PL_Sv=(SV*)newXS(name, c_impl, file), sv_setpv(PL_Sv, proto), (CV*)PL_Sv) #endif /* !defined(newXS_flags) */ #if PERL_VERSION_LE(5, 21, 5) # define newXS_deffile(a,b) Perl_newXS(aTHX_ a,b,file) #else # define newXS_deffile(a,b) Perl_newXS_deffile(aTHX_ a,b) #endif EOF return 1; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Process a CPP conditional line (C<#if> etc), to keep track of conditional nesting. In particular, it updates C<< @{$self->{XS_parse_stack}} >> which contains the current list of nested conditions, and C<< $self->{XS_parse_stack_top_if_idx} >> which indicates the most recent C in that stack. So an C<#if> pushes, an C<#endif> pops, an C<#else> modifies etc. Each element is a hash of the form: { type => 'if', varname => 'XSubPPtmpAAAA', # maintained by caller # XS functions defined within this branch of the # conditional (maintained by caller) functions => { 'Foo::Bar::baz' => 1, ... } # XS functions seen within any previous branch other_functions => {... } It also updates C<< $self->{bootcode_early} >> and C<< $self->{bootcode_late} >> with extra CPP directives. =item * Arguments $self->analyze_preprocessor_statement($statement); =back =cut sub analyze_preprocessor_statement { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; my ($statement) = @_; my $ix = $self->{XS_parse_stack_top_if_idx}; if ($statement eq 'if') { # #if or #ifdef $ix = @{ $self->{XS_parse_stack} }; push(@{ $self->{XS_parse_stack} }, {type => 'if'}); } else { # An #else/#elsif/#endif. $self->death("Error: '$statement' with no matching 'if'") if $self->{XS_parse_stack}->[-1]{type} ne 'if'; if ($self->{XS_parse_stack}->[-1]{varname}) { # close any '#ifdef XSubPPtmpAAAA' inserted earlier into boot code. push(@{ $self->{bootcode_early} }, "#endif\n"); push(@{ $self->{bootcode_later} }, "#endif\n"); } my(@fns) = keys %{$self->{XS_parse_stack}->[-1]{functions}}; if ($statement ne 'endif') { # Add current functions to the hash of functions seen in previous # branch limbs, then reset for this next limb of the branch. @{$self->{XS_parse_stack}->[-1]{other_functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns; @{$self->{XS_parse_stack}->[-1]}{qw(varname functions)} = ('', {}); } else { # #endif - pop stack and update new top entry my($tmp) = pop(@{ $self->{XS_parse_stack} }); 0 while (--$ix && $self->{XS_parse_stack}->[$ix]{type} ne 'if'); # For all functions declared within any limb of the just-popped # if/endif, mark them as having appeared within this limb of the # outer nested branch. push(@fns, keys %{$tmp->{other_functions}}); @{$self->{XS_parse_stack}->[$ix]{functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns; } } $self->{XS_parse_stack_top_if_idx} = $ix; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Return a string containing a snippet of C code which tests for the 'wrong number of arguments passed' condition, depending on whether there are default arguments or ellipsis. =item * Arguments C true if the xsub's signature has a trailing C<, ...>. C<$min_args> the smallest number of args which may be passed. C<$num_args> the number of parameters in the signature. =item * Return Value The text of a short C code snippet. =back =cut sub set_cond { my ($ellipsis, $min_args, $num_args) = @_; my $cond; if ($ellipsis) { $cond = ($min_args ? qq(items < $min_args) : 0); } elsif ($min_args == $num_args) { $cond = qq(items != $min_args); } else { $cond = qq(items < $min_args || items > $num_args); } return $cond; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Figures out the current line number in the XS file. =item * Arguments C<$self> =item * Return Value The current line number. =back =cut sub current_line_number { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; my $line_number = $self->{line_no}->[@{ $self->{line_no} } - @{ $self->{line} } -1]; return $line_number; } =head2 Error handling methods There are four main methods for reporting warnings and errors. =over =item C<< $self->Warn(@messages) >> This is equivalent to: warn "@messages in foo.xs, line 123\n"; The file and line number are based on the file currently being parsed. It is intended for use where you wish to warn, but can continue parsing and still generate a correct C output file. =item C<< $self->blurt(@messages) >> This is equivalent to C, except that it also increments the internal error count (which can be retrieved with C). It is used to report an error, but where parsing can continue (so typically for a semantic error rather than a syntax error). It is expected that the caller will eventually signal failure in some fashion. For example, C has this as its last line: exit($self->report_error_count() ? 1 : 0); =item C<< $self->death(@messages) >> This normally equivalent to: $self->Warn(@messages); exit(1); It is used for something like a syntax error, where parsing can't continue. However, this is inconvenient for testing purposes, as the error can't be trapped. So if C<$self> is created with the C flag, or if C<$ExtUtils::ParseXS::DIE_ON_ERROR> is true when process_file() is called, then instead it will die() with that message. =item C<< $self->WarnHint(@messages, $hints) >> This is a more obscure twin to C, which does the same as C, but afterwards, outputs any lines contained in the C<$hints> string, with each line wrapped in parentheses. For example: $self->WarnHint(@messages, "Have you set the foo switch?\nSee the manual for further info"); =back =cut # see L above sub Warn { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; $self->WarnHint(@_,undef); } # see L above sub WarnHint { warn _MsgHint(@_); } # see L above sub _MsgHint { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; my $hint = pop; my $warn_line_number = $self->current_line_number(); my $ret = join("",@_) . " in $self->{in_filename}, line $warn_line_number\n"; if ($hint) { $ret .= " ($_)\n" for split /\n/, $hint; } return $ret; } # see L above sub blurt { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; $self->Warn(@_); $self->{error_count}++ } # see L above sub death { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = $_[0]; my $message = _MsgHint(@_,""); if ($self->{config_die_on_error}) { die $message; } else { warn $message; } exit 1; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Warn if the lines in C<< @{ $self->{line} } >> don't have balanced C<#if>, C etc. =item * Arguments None =item * Return Value None =back =cut sub check_conditional_preprocessor_statements { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = $_[0]; my @cpp = grep(/^\#\s*(?:if|e\w+)/, @{ $self->{line} }); if (@cpp) { my $cpplevel; for my $cpp (@cpp) { if ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*if/) { $cpplevel++; } elsif (!$cpplevel) { $self->Warn("Warning: #else/elif/endif without #if in this function"); print STDERR " (precede it with a blank line if the matching #if is outside the function)\n" if $self->{XS_parse_stack}->[-1]{type} eq 'if'; return; } elsif ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*endif/) { $cpplevel--; } } $self->Warn("Warning: #if without #endif in this function") if $cpplevel; } } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Escapes a given code source name (typically a file name but can also be a command that was read from) so that double-quotes and backslashes are escaped. =item * Arguments A string. =item * Return Value A string with escapes for double-quotes and backslashes. =back =cut sub escape_file_for_line_directive { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $string =~ s/"/\\"/g; return $string; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Do error reporting for missing typemaps. =item * Arguments The C object. An C object. The string that represents the C type that was not found in the typemap. Optionally, the string C or C to choose whether the error is immediately fatal or not. Default: C =item * Return Value Returns nothing. Depending on the arguments, this may call C or C, the former of which is fatal. =back =cut sub report_typemap_failure { my ExtUtils::ParseXS $self = shift; my ($tm, $ctype, $error_method) = @_; $error_method ||= 'blurt'; my @avail_ctypes = $tm->list_mapped_ctypes; my $err = "Could not find a typemap for C type '$ctype'.\n" . "The following C types are mapped by the current typemap:\n'" . join("', '", @avail_ctypes) . "'\n"; $self->$error_method($err); return(); } 1; # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: