package ExtUtils::MM_OS2; use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(neatvalue); use File::Spec; our $VERSION = '7.70'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; require ExtUtils::MM_Any; require ExtUtils::MM_Unix; our @ISA = qw(ExtUtils::MM_Any ExtUtils::MM_Unix); =pod =head1 NAME ExtUtils::MM_OS2 - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::MM_OS2; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed =head1 DESCRIPTION See L<ExtUtils::MM_Unix> for a documentation of the methods provided there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not the semantics. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item init_dist Define TO_UNIX to convert OS2 linefeeds to Unix style. =cut sub init_dist { my($self) = @_; $self->{TO_UNIX} ||= <<'MAKE_TEXT'; $(NOECHO) $(TEST_F) && $(RM_F); $(ZIP) -ll -mr $(DISTVNAME) && unzip -o && $(RM_F) MAKE_TEXT $self->SUPER::init_dist; } sub dlsyms { my($self,%attribs) = @_; if ($self->{IMPORTS} && %{$self->{IMPORTS}}) { # Make import files (needed for static build) -d 'tmp_imp' or mkdir 'tmp_imp', 0777 or die "Can't mkdir tmp_imp"; open my $imp, '>', 'tmpimp.imp' or die "Can't open tmpimp.imp"; foreach my $name (sort keys %{$self->{IMPORTS}}) { my $exp = $self->{IMPORTS}->{$name}; my ($lib, $id) = ($exp =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/) or die "Malformed IMPORT `$exp'"; print $imp "$name $lib $id ?\n"; } close $imp or die "Can't close tmpimp.imp"; # print "emximp -o tmpimp$Config::Config{lib_ext} tmpimp.imp\n"; system "emximp -o tmpimp$Config::Config{lib_ext} tmpimp.imp" and die "Cannot make import library: $!, \$?=$?"; # May be running under miniperl, so have no glob... eval { unlink <tmp_imp/*>; 1 } or system "rm tmp_imp/*"; system "cd tmp_imp; $Config::Config{ar} x ../tmpimp$Config::Config{lib_ext}" and die "Cannot extract import objects: $!, \$?=$?"; } return '' if $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}; $self->xs_dlsyms_iterator(\%attribs); } sub xs_dlsyms_ext { '.def'; } sub xs_dlsyms_extra { join '', map { qq{, "$_" => "\$($_)"} } qw(VERSION DISTNAME INSTALLDIRS); } sub static_lib_pure_cmd { my($self) = @_; my $old = $self->SUPER::static_lib_pure_cmd; return $old unless $self->{IMPORTS} && %{$self->{IMPORTS}}; $old . <<'EOC'; $(AR) $(AR_STATIC_ARGS) "$@" tmp_imp/* $(RANLIB) "$@" EOC } sub replace_manpage_separator { my($self,$man) = @_; $man =~ s,/+,.,g; $man; } sub maybe_command { my($self,$file) = @_; $file =~ s,[/\\]+,/,g; return $file if -x $file && ! -d _; return "$file.exe" if -x "$file.exe" && ! -d _; return "$file.cmd" if -x "$file.cmd" && ! -d _; return; } =item init_linker =cut sub init_linker { my $self = shift; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} = "\$(PERL_INC)/libperl\$(LIB_EXT)"; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVEDEP} ||= ''; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} = $OS2::is_aout ? '' : '$(PERL_INC)/libperl_override$(LIB_EXT)'; $self->{EXPORT_LIST} = '$(BASEEXT).def'; } =item os_flavor OS/2 is OS/2 =cut sub os_flavor { return('OS/2'); } =item xs_static_lib_is_xs =cut sub xs_static_lib_is_xs { return 1; } =back =cut 1;